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Business Bottom Sidebar

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  • TG: Services - Display some pages as services. Best for Business Top or Bottom sidebar.
  • TG: Call To Action Widget - Use this widget to show the call to action section.
  • TG: Featured Widget - Show your some pages as recent work. Best for Business Top or Bottom sidebar.


Debi Schwartz is the former Area Work Incentive Coordinator for the Social Security Administration in Southern Ohio. Debi joined the Social Security Administration in April 1979 and held a variety of positions with the Agency. In May 2000, she became one of 32 Employment Support Representatives nationwide to administer work incentives under the 1999 Ticket to Work Legislation.  In 2001, Debi published the emergency book, a workbook highlighting the need for excellent medical records keeping and organization for families requiring care giving, a book she created in response to a need with her own children with disabilities.  In 2003, she was chosen to serve as the Southern Ohio Area Work Incentive Coordinator, one of only 57 SSA employees providing an array of support services to the community and Social Security.  Debi served three long-term details at Social Security Headquarters where she participated in several Ticket to Work events around the country in an effort to promote better awareness of the options available to the disability community.  In early 2016, Debi was awarded the 2015 Regional Commissioner’s Citation Skip Kruse Memorial Return to Work Award which is granted to employees who have made outstanding contributions to the Social Security Administration goal of enabling disabled beneficiaries who want to return to work.  Now retired, Debi continues to be committed to public service and to educating others about Social Security’s programs and benefits, focusing on employment support issues, always available to lend her expertise in the areas of Social Security work incentives and Ticket to Work.



*Certified Community Partner Work Incentives Coordinator (CPWIC).  Certification through Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) .

*Certified Vendor for Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD) and the Bureau of Services for the Visually Impaired to provide Benefit Analysis and Work Incentives Coordination Services for individuals receiving vocational services through OOD.  Certification approved through Ohio OOD.

*Approved Independent Provider using Medicaid Waiver funds through Ohio DODD.  Services include Benefits Analysis/Career Planning and Money Matters (only for the purpose of reporting wages to SSA).